Lifra - The Little Brother - 046

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Lifra - The Little Brother - 046

Postby devotedtoneurosis » Fri Jun 22, 2018 12:16 am

Type: Relentless
Height: 1ft 6in
Weight: 28lb
Life Expectancy: 30yr
Strength: Flurry of Attacks

Fluttering to and fro in the Flowering Province, Lifra seems to be eternally on a mission.

Feeding on sweet nectar and pollen, they travel from flower to flower, slowly filling their bellies. Focusing deeply, Lifra become very disgruntled when interrupted, or if a human or monster stands between them and their intended destination. They will buzz and grumble at the unwelcome guest. If this is not enough to deter the pest, they will spit seeds rapid-fire from their elongated snouts.

Lifra are not intimidated by larger foes, often getting into skirmishes they cannot hope to win. Fortunately for Lifra, they never seem to stray far from their big brothers, Bifra, who seem compelled to protect any nearby Lifra.

Once presumed to be the larval form of Bifra, this has since been proven untrue. The link between Lifra and Bifra remains unclear (but undeniable).

Will Lifra make your team?
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Re: Lifra - The Little Brother - 046

Postby 16bitking » Fri Jun 22, 2018 7:45 pm

Loving these symbiotic creatures! It'd be super cool if when you had two symbiotic creatures in your party, each one would get a small buff or something.
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Re: Lifra - The Little Brother - 046

Postby Tyrax Lightning » Fri Jun 22, 2018 8:47 pm

I'm surprised Lifra doesn't have issues with its Center of Gravity while standing on the ground, having its Legs so far back while leaning so far forward. :P

I wonder if Lifra would be so unafraid of foes if it didn't have a 'Big Bro' Monster it could hide behind...? Reminds me of my RL Chihuahuas who are so unafraid to challenge any Intruder that nears my House... as long as they can stand on the Upper Deck of the House safely behind a big Gate... :P
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Re: Lifra - The Little Brother - 046

Postby devotedtoneurosis » Tue Jun 26, 2018 9:14 pm

He usually flutters around like a humming bird and is very light, so his pose doesn't bother him much.

I think Lifra would still have its attitude without big bro, but they'd pay the price! :D

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