Woulupe - The Mankind Mimic - 096

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Woulupe - The Mankind Mimic - 096

Postby devotedtoneurosis » Fri Oct 04, 2019 10:36 am

Type: Relentless
Height: 5ft 2in
Weight: 110lb
Life Expectancy: 27yr
Strength: Limber Attacker

While Woulupe do not socialize with human beings, they often take a keen interest from afar - mimicking the behavior of humans they observe. It seems as if they believe mimicking mankind's actions will eventually grant them the same collective power and widespread dominance we presently enjoy.

They will go as far as weaving their thick, shed fur into human-like clothing - often with impressive finesse for a clawed creature lacking higher level dexterity. Experiments with raising and integrating Woulupe puppies into households ends in violence - it seems the creatures seek to duplicate our success but not to join us as equals.

Able to move and run easily on two or four legs, this monster can be an intimidating one to challenge for an amateur tamer. Their tendency to frequently snarl at pacts does not lessen this challenge.

Will Woulupe make your team?
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Tyrax Lightning
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Re: Woulupe - The Mankind Mimic - 096

Postby Tyrax Lightning » Sat Oct 05, 2019 6:02 pm

Hmm... tough call on this one...

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